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Become a supporter 

Although, the struggle continues everywhere in the United States. It's 100 times more harsh for Trans folkss in Jamaica. Hundreds are beaten and kill everyday; with no protection from the police or the church or the public as its illegal to be gay in Jamaica; that is, punishable by 10 years in prison.  

Ways to support 

Because of the homophobia that exist in Jamaica; for trans folks living on the island; its life to death;  and so, fundraising capital to purchase homes which are then use to provide safe housing to Trans folks is one of the ways we tackling the problem; without proper housing most trans folks end up homeless living in squatter settlements in gullies.  

Social Media

Please like and share our website on all your social media with friends. 

Recurring Donation

Please set -up a recurring donation; monthly , weekly etc. 


Send donation with Debit/ Credit Card / Venmo / Apple Pay etc.  


Sponsor the Asylum of a Trans person in Jamaica to a safe country.  Help them take the journey to a better life. 

Online Fundraiser 

Its easy to fundraise for the cause; use your social media platforms to ask friends and family to donate to our cause.  

Drop the link to our website in your Instagram bio and share our cash app and venmo with friends and others.  


We're always looking for talented individuals to join our team and use their skills to free Trans folks from the homopbic system in Jamaica. 


Message us with your ideas. 

Become a Sponsor

Sponsor for Asylum 

Because there is no where in Jamaica for a Trans person to thrive since the entire country is homophobic; most trans folks end up being murder , harrassed and beaten; as such, its urgent to help them get off the island.


 If you are serious about the fight; you can contact us to support a Trans person in jamaica seek Aslyum in a safe country.  

Want to become a sponsor? Contact us

Thanks for submitting!

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